President White and his family


Dr. 托马斯·怀特为许多书籍和文章做出了贡献,如下所列.

Featured Books



Edited by Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell III

First Freedom 是在西南浸信会神学院举行的宗教自由会议的重要信息集合.

Contributors include:

  • Barrett Duke
  • Paige Patterson
  • Thomas White
  • Malcolm B. Yarnell III
  • Richard D. Land
  • Craig Mitchell
  • Daniel R. Heimbach
  • Russell D. Moore
  • Emir F. Caner
  • Paul Pressler
Published by B&H Academic in May 2007. Available for purchase online.

Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches

Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches

Edited by Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell III

A must read for all pastors and church leaders, Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches 特色的学术和十个领先的神学家的实践指导:

  • Daniel Akin
  • David Allen
  • Emir Caner
  • Mark Dever
  • John Hammett
  • Jason Lee
  • R. Stanton Norman
  • Thomas White
  • Gregory Wills
  • Malcolm B. Yarnell III

Published by Kregel Academic & Professional in December 2007. Available for purchase online.



By Thomas White and John Mark Yeats

We live in a fast-food nation, where the service is efficient, the products are peer-tested, and size is king. 这种以消费者为导向的方式正在渗入教会.

Across the country, churches are creating entertaining, 迎合流行文化的服务,感觉更像是市场驱动而不是事工. On the menu? 一个经过验证的混合动态音乐,高科技炫目,和局部教学. And just like any successful product, churches are launching campuses that build on their brand.

但是,今天的特许教会是否会导致明天被剥夺公民权的信徒呢? 尽管成千上万的人涌向这些服务,有多少人的生活真正被改变了? Have we traded real truth for relevancy?

Franchising McChurch 诚实地看待以消费者为中心的部委的兴起. 作者托马斯·怀特和约翰·叶芝探讨了一种精神上的转变,这种转变引发了一些具有挑衅性的问题,比如:

  • The blurry line between entertainment and evangelism
  • A marketing approach to ministry
  • The warped yardstick for measuring church success
  • Feel-good messages that avoid tough truths

Candid and compelling, Franchising McChurch calls us back to the heart of Christ's church, and shares the Biblical design for delivering meaningful, life-changing ministry in a fast-food world.

Published by David C. Cook in February 2009. Available for purchase online.

Upon This Rock: A Baptist Understanding of the Church

Upon This Rock: A Baptist Understanding of the Church

Edited by Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell III

Upon This Rock 收集来自西南浸信会神学院会议的报告,并回答以下问题:

  • What is the basis for our denominational distinctives?
  • 它们仅仅是“褪色的传统”的集合,还是只根植于圣经的真正教义必需品?
  • 它们是神学上丰富的信仰基石,能轻易地超越时间吗, culture, and preference?

Contributors include:

  • Malcolm B Yarnell III
  • Paige Patterson
  • Thomas and Joy White
  • Bart Barber
  • Jason G. Duesing
  • David Allen
  • Emir F. Caner
  • James Leo Garrett, Jr.
  • Byron McWilliams

Published by B&H Academic in October 2010. Available for purchase online.

Anabaptists and Contemporary Baptists book cover


根据这本文集的学术和牧师作者, 16世纪的再洗礼派有很多东西可以教给浸信会和其他自由教会的福音派.

对福音派再洗礼派信徒的生活和神学的研究鼓励读者更深入地挖掘圣经, count the cost of discipleship to Jesus Christ, 并致力于向世界传播耶稣基督的福音. The theological commitment 对神的话语至高无上的信仰,鼓励我们以“真理是不可消灭的”这句座右铭生活." The example of Leonhard Schiemer, 谁知道跟随耶稣意味着背起耶稣的十字架 基督,预备我们过喜乐艰难的门徒生活. The loving attitude, missionary fervor, 以及像汉斯·登克和迈克尔·萨特勒这样的领袖对社区诚信的渴望,让我们更坚定地致力于分享福音 from an authentically Christian heart and life.

Finally, 像佩姬·帕特森和里克·华理克这样伟大的当代领袖都借鉴了福音派再洗礼派的遗产,建立了伟大的教堂和神学院. 他们的想法和故事都收录在这里,以鼓励恢复 今天浸信会和其他自由教会中再洗礼派的异象.

这些论文也作为纪念佩姬·帕特森毕生工作的礼物, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, in the study of the Radical Reformation. 事实上,他已经激发了再洗礼派作为一个 means of restoring New Testament Christianity.

Preachers Sourcebook Volume 4 book cover

Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, Volume 4

用最新版的《沙巴体育》宣讲伟大的讲道,策划创新的敬拜活动 Nelson’s Annual Preacher’s Sourcebook. 这就是你十多年来一直依赖的同一位讲道策划人, now with a disc included for your convenience! 在这本书中,寻找布道,文章,和布道开始博士. Greg Thornbury, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Dr. Thomas White, Dr. Jason Allen, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor Greg Laurie, Dr. Mac Brunson, Pastor Jim Cymbala, Dr. Robert Sloan, Dr. Albert Mohler, Dr. Russell Moore, Dr. Jason Duesing, Dr. Jamie Rasmussen, and Dr. O.S. Hawkins, general editor. 这些杰出的牧师为我们提供了一整年的讲道和敬拜资源, topical focus. Look for a new volume every fall.

Features include:

  • Sermons, creative outlines, illustrations, and quotes
  • 敬拜有帮助,包括赞美诗、祷告和圣经经文
  • Inspirational thoughts and preaching techniques
  • Sermons for special occasions and holidays
  • Disc containing all sermons and sermon starters

Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebooks sold to date: More than 140,000.

First Freedom


今天,对宗教自由的挑战越来越普遍,因为历史上的基督教与新的基督教发生冲突, secular orthodoxy. In this thoroughly revised second edition of First Freedom, leading evangelical scholars present 美国宗教自由的圣经和历史基础, and address pressing topics such as:

  • Religious freedom and the exclusivity of the Gospel
  • The Christian doctrine of religious liberty
  • Religious liberty and the public square
  • Religious freedom and the sexual revolution
  • 浸礼会对宗教自由的贡献等等

First Freedom to equip churches, pastors, 以及基督教公民维护宪法第一修正案赋予的自由. In addition to editing First Freedom怀特写了题为“宗教自由与基督教大学”的章节。 以及《沙巴体育》.”


Books and Chapters in Books

  • “Church Discipline and Meaningful Church Membership,” Ecclesiology Nashville: B&H Publishing, forthcoming.
  • “The Anabaptist and Religious Liberty” in The Anabaptists & 当代浸信会恢复新约基督教:纪念佩吉·帕特森的论文. Nashville: B&H Publishing, forthcoming.
  • Editor: Upon This Rock. Nashville, B&H: 2010. 著有两章:“办公室与女性:女性可以成为牧师吗?? Or Deacons?” and “The Universal and Local Church.”
  • Thomas White and John Mark Yeats, 特许经营麦彻奇:满足美国人对简单基督教的痴迷. David C. Cook, 2009.
  • Paige Patterson, L.R. Scarborough, and Thomas White, Calling Out the Called, Seminary Hill Publications, 2008.
  • Editor: Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2008. Author of two chapters: “What Makes Baptism Valid?” and “A Baptist’s Theology of the Lord’s Supper.”
  • Editor: 第一自由:浸信会对宗教自由的看法. Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2007. 其中一章的作者:“历史浸礼会对宗教自由的看法”.”
  • Editor with Introduction: Selected Articles of James Madison Pendleton. 3 Volumes. Paris, Ark: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 2006.
  • 詹姆斯·麦迪逊·彭德尔顿和他对浸信会教会学的贡献,载于 Selected Articles of James Madison Pendleton. Volume 1. Paris, Ark: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 2006.


  • “Jovan Belcher, Ruined Lives, and Manhood” Baptist Press. December 13, 2012. (link)
  • “耶稣妻子”片段的真相”浸信会出版社. September 19, 2012. (link)
  • “Madagascar: More than a Movie” in Southwestern News. Vol. 70, No. 4 Summer 2012.
  • "看着希望从废墟中升起"浸信会出版社. September 15, 2011. (link)
  • “A Lesson Learned in the African Bush” Baptist Press. August 17, 2010. (link)
  • “Courage in the Face of Fear” in Southwestern News. Vol. 68, No. 4 Summer 2010.
  •  《艰难之地的使命:最伟大的学生分享最伟大的故事 Southwestern News. Vol. 68, No. 4 Summer 2010.
  • “Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel” in Southwestern News. Vol. 67, No. 2. Winter 2009. (link)
  • With Jason Duesing, “Neanderthals Chasing Bigfoot? 《美南浸信会大会性别辩论现状》,载 Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Vol. 12, No. 2 (link)

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