

Immerse yourself in a learning experience that goes far beyond the learning of information and practicing of skills. At Cedarville, you will see how your relationship with God directly influences the care you provide. Be equipped to step into your career fully prepared to use nursing as your ministry for Jesus Christ.


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Explore the School of Nursing


Undergraduate Programs

Follow your passion for serving others and build the basis for excellent nursing care. Our priority through all your classes and clinical experiences is preparing you to be a knowledgeable, safe, 她是一位富有同情心的护士,把基督的爱和光明照耀到病人身上.

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Graduate Programs

Take the next step in your career as an advanced practice nurse who leads with excellence and serves with Christian compassion. 在你的培训基础上,通过在线学习,为病人带来更好的护理, 在你感兴趣的领域有专门的研究生学位.

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Nursing Student Experiences

Practicing your knowledge in a real-life setting is a crucial element of your nursing preparation. 模拟及临床经验, which start in the first year, 把你放在行动的领域,以指数方式进一步你的学习. Medical missions trips allow you to apply what you are learning to the delivery of compassionate, Christlike care for those in need.

Get the Full Experience


Stories of Hope

As our nursing alumni have followed the Lord in their own lives and allowed their gifts to be used for His glory, 他们去了一些不可思议的地方,给那些需要的人带来希望. See the work that God is doing to further His Kingdom through the humble service of our alumni.

Hear What They Have To Say

School of Nursing Quick Facts

  • 484 Undergraduate Students
  • 99.2% Job/Grad School Placement
  • 12 本科和研究生课程
  • 19 Faculty Members

All new students are assigned a faculty advisor 来帮助你充分利用你的1000天.

Two female nursing students.男护生用听诊器照顾蹒跚学步的孩子.女护理系学生与一位老年女病人一起工作.


我们的世界在物质上和精神上都支离破碎, and to look after people's physical needs while meeting their spiritual needs with the love of Christ is a powerful act of worship to the Creator. 慈悲关怀是耶稣在地上事工的直接反映, and at Cedarville, 你将准备好以这种方式效法基督, 以慈悲之心提供卓越的照顾. 

圣经真理将是你知识的基础, 你会学到在生活的各个方面做一个门徒意味着什么. Studying nursing at Cedarville will open your eyes to the intricacies of the human body and the ways that we can treat it, which together serve as testaments to God's marvelous design and His plan of restoration through Christ.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 施比受更有福.”

— Acts 20:35

Undergraduate Programs


Cedarville's acclaimed nursing program will prepare you to treat your patients holistically, 又为我们在基督里所存的盼望作见证. You will be trained by skilled and experienced faculty and given abundant opportunities to apply your training to the real world. When you leave Cedarville, you will be more than ready to impact the world for Christ as a nurse.


“When you're a nurse, you know that every day you will touch a life or a life will touch yours.”

— Unknown

Graduate Programs


在你的领域中,以谦逊的态度领导他人. Cedarville offers multiple graduate nursing tracks for both the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), 在你选择的领域为你打开机会之门. 准备好为你的病人提供高水平的关怀治疗, 并在学习高级护理实践时学习圣经真理.

$5,000 Scholarship Offer

A limited number of $5,000 scholarships are now available to new graduate nursing students with financial need. Apply now to see if you qualify!


“In the same way, 让你的光照耀在人前, 好叫他们看见你们的好行为,就赞美你们在天上的父.”

— Matthew 5:16

Nursing Student Experiences


随着医疗保健的复杂性增加, simulation and clinical experiences are excellent means to prepare you for the challenges you will face as a professional nurse.

作为一名沙巴体育的护理专业学生, 你可以使用我们最先进的模拟和实验室设备, designed to equip you academically and help you address the holistic needs of your patients. Clinical experiences allow you to function as part of the health care team in directing patient care. Finally, you will have the opportunity to participate in various medical missions trips and help those in need by administering care with compassion.



我们强者有义务承担弱者的失败, and not to please ourselves.

— Romans 15:1

Stories of Hope


Our alumni are furthering the mission of Christ by sharing His love as they serve locally, nationally, 在全球范围内以不同的身份担任护士. 他们谦卑地领导着,给城市和农村的医院带来希望, to managerial positions, to federal government, and to medical research. God has led our alumni to some incredible places for the glory of His name as they have followed Him faithfully.

  • Cedarville护理校友Diana Pimentel


    Cedarville nursing graduate, Diana Pimentel, 分享了她是如何利用自己的教育来照顾多米尼加共和国的病人的.
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  • 雪松维尔校友阿曼达·麦纳和家人

    Alumni Spotlight – Amanda Minor

    Cedarville nursing alumni, Amanda Minor, 谈到她如何把护理工作当作基督的事工.
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Cedarville nursing students spent spring break sharing the love of Christ and offering medical care as part of a CUGO trip to Nicaragua.


Assistant Professor of Nursing, Pete Savard, discusses Global Water Consortium and paddling 444 miles down the Susquehanna river this summer.

"Sometimes I inspire my patients; more often, they inspire me."

— Unknown

Dean – School of Nursing

Angelia Mickle

Angelia Mickle, DNP, RN, APRN, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC

Dean, School of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing

“担任护理学院院长是我的荣幸. Our desire is to prepare nurses with academic excellence while infusing biblical integration so they can use nursing as their ministry. Healthcare is dynamic and complex; we aim to fully equip our graduates with all they need to lead and serve others for God's glory.”

- Angelia Mickle, DNP, RN, APRN, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC

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