
About the BSN Degree Program

Why Study Nursing at Cedarville?

Since 1982, 锡达维尔大学提供四年制护理学学士学位(BSN). 锡达维尔大学独特的基督教,备受推崇的护理课程得到了 Ohio Board of Nursing. 锡达维尔大学的护理学学士学位和护理学硕士学位由美国护士协会认证 大学护理教育委员会.

在锡达维尔,护理不仅仅是学习信息和实践技能. 通过圣经整合课程, 你会学到你与神的关系如何直接影响你作为基督徒护士所提供的护理. We will prepare 感谢你用一生的护理来服侍耶稣基督.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

BSN Nursing Program Highlights

Focused Training -该计划侧重于四个主要领域:敬虔的生活,关怀,文化和信息管理.

Directed Care -你将被装备以圣经真理为基础的知识来提供护理, the art and sciences of nursing, the biological and behavioral sciences, and the humanities.

Christ-Centered -你毕业后会有同情心, 以基督为中心的护理,满足病人身体和精神上的需要.

Prepared to Serve



锡达维尔大学BSN课程的毕业生有资格获得注册护士执照. 你将准备参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX)。.

你会发现沙巴体育护理学院的毕业生在美国和国际上服务. Within six months of graduation, 我们99%的毕业生在护理领域就业或就读研究生院. Our graduates are working at Cleveland Clinic, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Ohio State University Wexner Center, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, among others.

As a Cedarville graduate, 你将准备进入临床实践,并有领导能力,在管理进步, education, research, 并通过研究生教育进行高级实践.

Nurses work in:

  • Community Health Settings
  • Doctor’s Offices
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing Homes

Placement Success

We’re proud of our successful graduates! 99.护理学院的应届毕业生中有2%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


State-of-the-Art Simulation Labs — You will experience realistic, 真人大小的模拟器,发展你的临床判断和决策在一个安全, true-to-life clinical setting.

临床经验从第一年开始 — Starting with your freshman year, 你将在周边地区高度认可的医疗机构开始临床经验, allowing you to care for a variety of patients in diverse settings.

Medical Missions Opportunities — As a junior nursing student, 您将有机会参加短期医疗任务临床经验与教师或注册护士在不同的地方.

Bringing Hope and Healing to Nicaragua


My 1000 Days: Matthew Schroll

马修·施罗尔分享了他在锡达维尔改变人生的经历,这不仅帮助他推进了他的护理事业, but also grow closer to Christ.

Program Curriculum

以你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程为基础, 您将学习以生物和行为科学为基础的课程,并通过实践学习经验得到加强. 你的临床轮转将建立在你在课程学习的基础上.

Sample courses:

  • Member of Nursing Profession
  • Seminar in Nursing

Start Your Degree in High School!

现在就选择双录取课程来节省时间和金钱. 了解如何使用BSN提前一年完成BSN Dual Enrollment Pathway to Nursing.

Explore the Dual Enrollment Pathway

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.


From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Program News

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