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PA Student Technical Standards

Cognitive, Physical, and Behavioral Skill Prerequisites

为了准备成为一名成功的初级医师助理, 塞达维尔大学PA项目的新生和被录取的学生必须具备以下定义的最低“技术技能”.

技术技能包括认知、身体和行为 abilities students must consistently demonstrate and further develop over time to achieve the needed knowledge, 技能, 和能力,以顺利完成私人助理计划,并进入 PA profession. The technical standards define expectations and 被录取和被录取的学生必须具备的能力 达到毕业和工作所需的能力水平 practice of medicine. 沙巴体育的私人助理计划致力于维护的完整性 通过保留那些被认为对教育至关重要的元素来规划 不损害其他学生的健康和安全 病人.

PA计划申请人和入学学生必须具备 在以下领域有独立的能力、天资和技能: 观察,沟通,批判性推理,运动和感觉 功能,行为和社会属性概述如下.

注意:学生必须能够自己达到所有的技术标准, 不使用中介(训练有素的人来协助学生表演) 技能).


Observation Skills

在课堂上表现出充分和准确的观察能力, laboratory, and patient care settings.

Students should meet the following indicators, among others:

  1. 准确观察并参与到课堂中, laboratory, 以及远距离和近距离的诊所包括非语言和语言信号.
  2. 准确区分液体、皮肤和诊断介质检查的颜色变化.
  3. Recognize accurately text, 数字, 模式, graphic illustrations, and findings on X-ray and other imaging tests.
  4. 准确地观察病人的状况,并在遇到病人时积极主动地进行必要的治疗.

Communication Skills

展示有效的语言和非语言沟通技巧 with fellow students, 教师, 病人, and healthcare practitioners with differing personalities, cultural backgrounds, and degrees and types of 疾病.

Students should meet the following indicators, among others:

  1. 能清晰、有效、易懂地说英语.
  2. 能清晰、高效、易懂地书写英语.
  3. Elicit information, observe changes in patient mood, 活动, and posture, and perceive non-verbal communications.
  4. 及时准备和沟通病人接触的简明口头和书面总结.
  5. 为患者及其家属提供明确的咨询和指导.
  6. Record examination and diagnostic results clearly, accurately, thoroughly, and efficiently in a timely manner.
  7. 使用语言翻译与非英语患者进行有效的沟通.

Critical Reasoning Skills

展示完成全部课程所需的批判性推理技能, acquire the required level of competency, and meet the demands of total patient care. 这些技能包括智力、概念、综合、 and quantitative abilities.

Students should meet the following indicators, among others:

  1. Able to read the English langu年龄 accurately and efficiently.
  2. 能够测量、计算、推理、分析、整合和综合信息.
  3. 能够理解结构的空间关系.g., three-dimensional relationships).
  4. Able to acquire, 保留, assimilate, and apply large amounts of complex, technical, and detailed medical information.
  5. 能够综合和沙巴体育不同学科的概念和信息,以制定诊断和治疗计划.
  6. Able to show appropriate judgment in patient assessment, diagnosis, monitoring, evaluation, and intervention, including planning, time man年龄ment, and use of resources.

Motor and Sensory Function Skills

表现出足够的运动和感觉功能来执行pa的常规任务, including performing physical examinations, treatment interventions, and caring for 病人, among others.

Students should meet the following indicators, among others:

  1. 进行充分和完整的身体检查,并及时从正确使用检查工具和操作中获得信息.
  2. Participate safely in laboratory sessions, use standard medical and surgical instruments, assess 病人, care for 病人, 并执行基本的诊断和治疗操作和程序.
  3. 在不同的学习环境中表现出安全性和效率.e., classroom, laboratories, and clinical settings), 包括在不同的病人护理环境中对自我和病人进行适当的协商.
  4. 准确辨别和评估说话声音(音高)的各种元素, intensity, and timbre), percussive notes, and auscultatory findings.
  5. 保持体力,以完成严格的教学和临床研究课程.
  6. Respond quickly and appropriately to emergency situations.

Behavior and Social Skills


Students should meet the following indicators, among others:

  1. 展示有助于有效治疗的个人品质 interactions (e.g., compassion, empathy, integrity, honesty, benevolence, confidentiality).
  2. 拥有必要的情绪健康,以保持充分利用心理能力(包括判断力), orientation, affect, and cognition).
  3. Establish 建立和发展成熟有效的专业关系 教师、病人、公众和其他医疗保健人员 团队.
  4. 在角色、职能和关系中表现出公正的动机和态度. 无偏见地与不同或信仰不同的患者进行沟通和护理, including but not limited to gender, 年龄, 比赛, ethnicity, socio-economic status, 文化, 信条, military status, sexual orientation or identity, and religious or spiritual beliefs.
  5. 监控并适当地应对你的情感需求和反应.
  6. Be flexible, adaptable, 组成, 在高压力或不确定性时期情绪稳定,这些可能发生在教学和临床经验和环境中.
  7. Follow directions accurately with prompt completion of all responsibilities in the classroom and clinical setting.
  8. 遵守大学和PA计划制定的标准、政策和做法.

Scope and Applicability

这些技术标准被认为是入学的先决条件, continuation, promotion, and graduation from the PA Program. 学生必须始终表现出采用公认的专业和技术的能力和意愿 standards of the Program and University. By applying to the Cedarville University PA Program, a prospective student, through self-evaluation, is declaring their willingness to so comply.

学生将被要求表明他们满足这些标准的能力,作为接受条件,并在每学期注册PA课程期间注册. 学生不能达到这些技术标准之前 enrolling or at any time while in the Program, with or without reasonable accommodation, will not be permitted to enter or progress within the program.

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