


Adding a teaching ministry concentration to your Bachelor of Arts in biblical studies will prepare you to minister effectively in a wide variety of Christian education ministries. You will learn how to encourage spiritual growth through meaningful relationships, compelling 圣经的教导, 有效的程序开发, 以及在不断变化的文化中有影响力的领导. By adding a required ministry concentration area 和 optional minor, you can customize your degree to fit your desired area of ministry (church, camp, college campus, parachurch organization, cross-cultural context, etc.). You'll grow in your own faith as well as your ability to cultivate others' faith. This degree also provides a solid foundation for graduate study in ministry.

We also highly recommend that you consider completing this program as part of Cedarville's 加速BA + MDiv 选项,它允许您 complete your BA in biblical studies 和 Master of Divinity in just five years, 包括教学部的集中.

请求的信息 访问


  • 圣经的世界观

    The Bible is the authority for research 和 study in every class you'll take.
  • 辅导基督教教师

    You'll be taught by highly-credentialed professors who want you to succeed.
  • 最高安置率

    Our graduates achieve top career 和 grad school placement rates — 10% above the national average.



可定制的 — By adding a required ministry concentration 和 optional minor, you can customize your degree to fit your ministry interests 和 goals.

现实世界的经验 — A required internship is built into the program, giving you real-world, h和s-on 经验.

文科方法 — You will take core general education courses taught from a biblical worldview. This liberal arts approach will prepare you to have a broader impact for Christ 和 give you expertise in various fields that 会加强你的事工平台吗.

What Can I Do With a 圣经研究 (Teaching Ministry) Degree?

As a graduate of Cedarville’s Teaching Ministry Christian education 课程,你将装备各种事工角色:

  • 圣经的老师
  • 营总监
  • 基督教教育主任
  • 传教士
  • 牧师
  • 作家
  • 年轻的牧师

Graduate schools, professional schools, 和 seminaries welcome our graduates.

Graduate 和 professional programs 和 employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, 和/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 100% of recent graduates from the 圣经与神学研究学院 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


因为你正在攻读教学部学位, your coursework will be complemented by the following opportunities.

学生组织 — Cedarville offers many ministry 和服务 organizations that help develop character 和 ministry skills. Many Bible faculty members serve as advisers for these organizations, 和 students are encouraged 充分利用它们. 圣经与神学研究学院赞助:

  • Chi — an organization that provides encouragement to students entering youth ministry through prayer, 奖学金, 和服务.
  • ασ — an organization devoted to promoting critical thinking through philosophical 和 theological inquiry into issues central to the biblical worldview 和 contemporary culture.

实习 — When you are ready to move into full-time ministry, there is no substitute for h和s-on 经验. An internship is the best way to gain valuable 经验 和 build relationships. 来自 圣经与神学研究学院 曾在以下机构实习:

  • 运动中的运动员
  • 回声山村
  • 远山社区教堂
  • 儿童活着国际-多米尼加共和国
  • 活水圣经营
  • 凤凰团契浸信会-德班,南非
  • 西奥托山营地和静修中心
  • TEAM(福音联盟宣教团)-土耳其安塔利亚

全球外展(GO) — Use one of your spring or summer breaks to go on a short-term 任务之旅, 无论是在美国,还是在美国,都要分享福音.S. 还是在国外. 我们鼓励每个学生至少进行一次GO旅行!

门徒部委门徒部委 提供小型门徒小组(称为“d组”) that meet regularly for prayer, accountability, encouragement, 和 Bible study. Serve as small-group leader or be a member of the Discipleship Council (DC), 哪些有助于管理d组. 两者都是磨练你领导能力的好方法 鼓励校园的属灵成长.

当地政府部门沙巴体育 what you’re learning in chapel 和 in the classroom as you serve through 地方教会事工社区外展小组. Your faith will grow as you help meet the physical 和 spiritual needs of those you serve.


以你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程为基础, 你将学习圣经课程, 神学, 以及实际的事工. The Teaching Ministry Christian education major requires courses that prepare you to teach the Word of God to a variety of settings 年龄范围也很广. The curriculum includes study in ministry development 和 leadership.

  • 成人部委
  • 事工的神学基础


Cedarville offers both graduate 和 undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.










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